Hyde Parker Magazine Endorsements For the March 1, 2022 Primary Election - Donna Imam

U.S. House Texas District 37
Donna Imam Promises Bold Progressive Change

When U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders endorsed her in a previous run, he said it well: "Donna Imam understands that our political and economic systems are rigged to benefit the wealthy at the expense of everyone else. She is an engineer who supports a platform of health care for all, education for all, and immigration reform with a pathway to citizenship. Donna is a first-time candidate who knows that the same old, same old establishment ideas won't do. It is time for bold progressive change."

Imam, an engineer with a background in tech and entrepreneurship, lost that 2020 election to Republican John Carter. But her platform, which included Medicare for All, immigration reform including a path to citizenship, and a Green New Deal, is more vital than ever. Her commitment to true criminal justice reform includes support for a slate of progressive initiatives, including marijuana legalization, body cam requirements and other law enforcement reforms, cash bail reform, and ending taxpayer funding of for-profit private prisons. Those are all common sense reforms we would like to see advocated for at the Congressional level.

Longtime Congressman Lloyd Doggett is also running in the district, but we’re skeptical that he has the drive to push for truly progressive change after being embedded in Washington for so long. In order to pave the way for new ideas and avoid stagnation, we should have term limits that prohibit anyone remaining in office for decades. Without those safeguards, the voters should give a new leader a chance to make real change.

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Hyde Parker Magazine Endorsements For the March 1, 2022 Primary Election - Bob Libal


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